Telecommunication industry

The Paris Olympic Games ended successfully! Digital video helps the main station to showcase the style of the athletes


2024-08-14 15:57

Shanghai Mobile AI × 5G-A six industry application scenarios were officially released, leading the new era of AI


2024-07-11 15:27

Shanghai Mobile 5G-A Commercial Launch, Launching "Magic Speed Plan"


2024-07-01 16:45

Hand in hand to go to sea, create the future together, China Mobile Products Going to Sea Forum was successfully held


2024-06-28 16:01

Shanghai Mobile has been awarded the outstanding performance of MIIT Mobile Network Quality Evaluation for three consecutive years


2024-06-12 15:23

The intelligent computing center was put into production, the 5G-A series of commercial products were released, and several innovations of Shanghai Mobile were released


2024-05-21 16:05

China Mobile debuts at China Brand Day 2024, showcasing the brand power of the new era


2024-05-15 14:45

China Mobile released an action plan for leading the digital intelligence industry with an integrated computing power network


2024-04-30 14:15

China Mobile AI + Digital Homo Video CRBT, Open a New Way of Reading in the Digital Age


2024-04-26 11:47

China Mobile holds the national finals of the 3rd "Wutong Cup" big data innovation competition


2024-04-17 15:27

The 3rd China Mobile Wutong Cup Finals are about to start, and the top 12 are ready to go! News Release


2024-04-12 14:11

Unlimited X concert surprises are coming, Beijing Mobile invites you to turn the audience around - News Release


2024-04-08 16:45

China Mobile's first 5G-A commercial deployment in the world, the first batch of 100 cities, expanded to 300 + cities within the year, the largest in the world - News Release


2024-04-02 16:22

Shanghai Mobile's "signal upgrade" is in action, and the country's first 5G-A smart parking lot is unveiled at Taikoo Li, Pudong Qiantan - Press Release


2024-03-25 17:19

China Mobile cloud video will release three series of new products to open up a new video conference horizon

Guangzhou, December 12, 2022 -- The 2022 China Mobile Global Partner Conference with the theme of "C

2022-12-12 10:39

Create a new touch point for intelligent service marketing, and Stiqi 5G messaging platform accelerates the upgrade of operators' services

Guangzhou, December 01, 2022 -- In the age of digital intelligence, telecom operators are speeding up the transformation of their business development from communication services to information services. In 2020, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom released the White Paper on 5G News and jointly launched 5

2022-12-01 14:23

Famous Rui live interpretation of efficient persuasion, China mobile Migu "Yue read is youth" hot in progress

Guangzhou, November 22, 2022 -- On November 12, the Dynamic Zone "Yue Read Zheng Youth" lecture by university celebrities, sponsored by China Mobile Zhejiang and undertaken by Migu Digital Media Co., LTD., was in full swing.

2022-11-22 14:31

Space love wei's 30th anniversary offer | across 14 years of postal services

Guangzhou, Sep. 20, 2022 -- On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the 76Institute of Aerospace Technology, the email system has also celebrated its 14th birthday. As an important measure of strategic development, transformation and upgrading of Aerospace Aiwei, the mail system of Aerospace Aiwei was "born" in 2008.

2022-09-20 17:40

Tong Ding Internet in the first half of the non-net profit growth of 91.58%, the main profit indicators improved significantly

Guangzhou, August 31, 2022 -- Tongding Internet disclosed on the evening of August 28 the 2022 semi-annual report showed that the company's revenue from January to June this year reached 1.519 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 5.32%; Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 3,344

2022-09-19 17:24

Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas completed strategic cooperation with China ICT Center for trusted AI basic software

Guangzhou, August 18, 2022 -- In order to further promote the development of trusted AI and data intelligence to China's artificial intelligence industry, and accelerate the intelligent upgrading of government and enterprises, nine chapters were held at the 2022 Trusted AI Summit themed "Intelligent Foundation, Trusted First"

2022-08-19 18:56