Health & medical

NVC Lighting specializes in customized lighting solutions, with the strength to create a hospital health healing light environment


2024-08-14 16:03

The 21st Glory Ceremony of the Correction Group in 2024 was a complete success


2024-08-09 17:18

Jingle Kuaiyao Shanghai opens a love "Enjoy Inn" to help first-line riders "cool summer"


2024-08-08 16:08

Supply and demand "go both ways", Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group promotes the innovative and integrated development of the industrial chain


2024-07-25 15:35

Xu Haoyu of Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group: Adhere to the quality core and consolidate the brand upgrade


2024-07-22 14:32

Teachers and students of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine went to Shaanxi to provide children's health services and sow traditional medical culture


2024-07-15 17:10

Building dreams and walking together, painting the future together - Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group continues to innovate and deepen the practice of employee well-being


2024-07-12 17:10

Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Chinese Medicinal Materials Base: Green Development Helps Rural Revitalization in a New Chapter


2024-07-08 17:07

Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group: Develop new quality productivity and promote high-quality development


2024-07-02 17:47

2024 China's brand value evaluation information was released, and Nu Xin was once again selected for the medical and health list


2024-05-27 17:34

Mutual benefit and win-win results, Neptune Chen & Dyne Pharmaceutical's 2024 strategic signing was successfully held


2024-04-26 11:29

Ruipai Public Welfare | Ruipai Pet Hospital helps CRC rabies prevention and control project and carries out spring heart-warming public welfare activities


2024-04-01 14:40

Qingrun Escort, Laughter Upgrade, Longjiao San Named Chengdu Discovery Comedy Week - Press Release


2024-03-18 17:34

Harbin Medicine People's Tongtai and Sanjiu Weitai "Fall in Love with Warm Stomach Blue" Activities Successfully Ended - Press Release


2024-03-12 10:22

Lunan Pharmaceutical won the 13th Public Welfare Festival corporate social responsibility industry model award


2024-02-01 11:36

Six months rose powder 370,000! Health manager Dagang: Understanding the baby tree of mother and child users is the key to my success

/ Zhaomuntong/Sep. 01, 2022 Guangzhou -- "Baby Tree here focuses on pregnancy and childbearing, which is consistent with my professional direction. For me who focuses on popularization of parenting knowledge, it is an amplifier: recorded knowledge will have more opportunities to be seen by the appropriate crowd, and then be needed and trusted." Recently,2

2022-09-19 11:12

GEA Commercial cleaning products at Clean America Show

Guangzhou, Sep 01, 2022 -- On July 30 local time, Clean America, a biennial exhibition, opened at the Atlantic City Convention Center in Atlanta. At the four-day show, Haier Intelligence's GE Appl

2022-09-15 14:18

Mid-Autumn Festival National Day food Fair, the window hand in hand Baixuan Tang best sea cucumber officially set sail

Guangzhou, Sep. 01, 2022 -- On the occasion of the reunion of relatives and friends, Zhejiang Food Market under Modern United Group and Shanhai Funongnong Excellent Products Exhibition Window jointly held the "Mid-Autumn Festival"

2022-09-15 14:18

Three grass and two wood new products on the market! Double Bubble cleansing opens up a new way to clean skin

Guangzhou, Sep 01, 2022 -- Air pollution, climate change, makeup residue... Are affecting the health of the skin. Women always in the pursuit of exquisite and beautiful road never stop, and the skin is our first outward appearance. However, a small detail is enough

2022-09-15 14:18

With the star's work, master 2022 hair care market traffic password

Guangzhou, August 26, 2022 -- Having soft, smooth hair can enhance one's appearance. Driven by the economy of appearance level and the concept of health and wellness, Chinese consumers have unleashed strong demand for hair care. China in 2021, according to Mintel

2022-08-26 17:55