Life Sunshine 19 years adhere to the early life of 1000 days, after the CIIE attention

2018-11-20 17:47 0

At the just concluded first China International Import Expo, companies participating in the Expo reached more than 57.83 billion U.S. dollars of intended transactions.

As the first national exhibition with import as the theme, it attracted more than 3,600 enterprises from more than 170 countries and regions to participate in the exhibition, with a total of 800,000 visitors, and more than 400,000 domestic and foreign buyers to negotiate purchasing. As an official invited brand of New Zealand, Life Sunshine held a press conference at the same time. The press conference invited Director Qiu Gang, Director of Pediatrics of Shanghai Children's Hospital, nutrition researchers at home and abroad, media and maternal and infant channel business. A series of high-quality natural nutrition products of Life Sunshine not only attracted the wide attention of friends at the scene, but also made Chinese people truly feel the charm of natural nutrition products from New Zealand.


  Nutritionist for 19 years

With the improvement of economic level, most Chinese people are not only satisfied with the necessities of life, but also the demand for health care and nutrition. According to the data of the 2018 Singles' Day, infant nutrition products ranked seventh on the list of imported goods in the first hour, which was the first time that infant nutrition products appeared in the list as a separate category. Thus it can be seen that the scale of 30 billion infant nutrition products is finally no longer the tuyere pursued by maternal and child practitioners, but a real stock market. This is for nutrition brand owners, finally to flowers sometimes especially fragrant moment.

In fact, life Sunshine has been a steady posture in this category stick to 19 years.

In 1999, Life Sunshine entered China. Over the years, it has adhered to the concept of "solving health problems in a nutritious way". In the nearly 20 years of working in the Chinese market, it has been committed to providing Chinese consumers with dairy products rich in natural nutrition. At the same time of the Expo, this concept was highly recognized by Director Qiu, he said: "At present, our national Outline of 'Healthy China 2030' and National Nutrition Plan (2017-2030) have gradually elevated nutrition and health as a national strategy, emphasizing 'Healthy China, nutrition first', and nutrition intervention must start from the newborn, namely the first 1,000 days of life."

According to Director Qiu, for newborns, colostrum is the best nutrition, especially premature infants, weak constitution, light weight baby. But these mothers often lack colostrum, so many pediatric experts at home and abroad have turned their attention to bovine colostrum. In addition, our country stipulates that bovine colostrum is the endocrine milk of healthy dairy cows 72 hours after production, with protein content higher than 40% and immunoglobulin content higher than 10%.

"Colostrum is misunderstood and misinterpreted by some experts, but numerous experiments have proven that it can have a significant impact on a child's future development and even adult health. This is also the source of power for the sunshine of life to stick to so many years! This is also what we have been practicing the concept of '1,000 days in early life = 30,000 days of healthy growth in the future' put forward by the Chinese Nutrition Society." Ms. Hu Yanling, the first brand consultant of Life Sunshine, spoke excitedly at the release conference.


  What is the first 1000 days of life

The so-called early life 1000 days, first proposed by foreign nutrition experts, refers to the 1000 days from the beginning of pregnancy to the baby's 2 years of age. The World Health Organization defines it as the "window of opportunity period" for human growth and development, which is the basic period for the fastest development of human body and brain. The nutritional status during this period is closely related to the health of the whole life cycle, which not only affects the physical growth and intellectual development, but also has an obvious correlation with the incidence of chronic diseases in adulthood.

Since 2018, Life Sunshine has launched the 1000+ plan nationwide, cooperated with more than 1000 maternal and child channels and stores, established 1000+ newborn database with the help of 1000+ media platform, comprehensively implemented the concept of 1000 days in early life, and implemented the implementation of "nutrition intervention" in China.

As one of the earliest bovine colostrum brands to enter the Chinese market, Life Sunshine not only participates in the formulation of the brand standard of the bovine colostrum industry in China, but also insists on the distribution of the large health industry, different from other brands that only focus on the infant dairy market. In terms of the bovine colostrum series alone, it includes the specialized infant colostrum and bovine colostrum powder suitable for supplementingnutrition for pregnant women and the elderly. The bovine colostrum powder of Life Sunshine adopts the colostrum of natural free-range cows in New Zealand as raw material, and adopts the cold chain and low temperature processing method to fully retain the rich immune proteins and various natural nutrients in the colostrum.

  Focus on products, leading the channel

Life Sunshine has not only laid a solid foundation among Chinese consumers, but also received official recognition from New Zealand, which was awarded the Silver Fern International Logo. The New Zealand government is very strict on the verification of the silver fern leaf international mark certification. Firstly, the source and production of the product must be guaranteed in New Zealand, and secondly, the brand must have a certain influence in New Zealand before it can be granted the officially recognized silver fern leaf certification as a New Zealand brand.


In addition, Hu Yanling, the first brand consultant of Life Sunshine, told reporters that the brand research center and the moving pin center were specially set up this year to provide more brand support and moving pin strategy support for the channel.

Under the cooperation of Ms. Hu Yanling, who has been deeply involved in the industry for decades, she has realized that only professional services can achieve the implantation of consumers' minds more quickly. In close cooperation with channel operators, Life Sunshine will also build a professional "nutrition school" to deliver the concept of "nutrition intervention" and the value of colostrum, and truly help channel operators attract fans, retain customers and lock customers with professional services.

"I have been doing Life Sunshine for 13 years, and the main thing is to produce good products. My shelf says invalid refunds, but in the three years from 2016 to 2018, there were only four returns due to protein allergies, and none due to invalid products." From Jiangsu agent General Zhou in the press conference talked about all people.

At the end of the press conference, other channel suppliers expressed their opinions: "We hope that Life Sunshine will have greater development on the peak of nutrition products. We have the opportunity to get a very good product in hand, and we will definitely promote it!


According to the report "Winning Strategy of China's Health care product Industry during the 13th Five-Year Plan Period", it is estimated that in 2020, the market scale of China's health care product will grow to 180 billion yuan. And the segmentation field of infant nutrition is undoubtedly the fresh cake of everyone crazy grab, who has the strength and endurance to lead this incremental market, we will wait and see.

Source: Corporate press release
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