To build a green living community, B & Q joins hands with Community Morning News to carry out environmental protection home improvement public welfare actions

2024-03-22 14:29 0

/PRZWT/SHANGHAI, March 22, 2024 - Today, a green lifestyle has become a new social trend. As a leader in the home improvement industry, B & Q is dedicated to the environmental protection home improvement track, leading a healthy living lifestyle, and constantly making positive contributions to the development of community environmental protection. On March 18, B & Q cooperated with Shanghai Morning News Community Media to hold a public welfare event for environmental protection home improvement in Ruihong New Town, aiming to popularize the knowledge of environmental protection home improvement, advocate and practice the concept of green home improvement, and provide community special project services such as convenient maintenance and public welfare services for the elderly, so as to promote the construction of a harmonious and livable community environment.

Build a green living community and press the "beauty button" for the home environment

B & Q took the lead in putting forward the concept of "environmentally friendly home improvement" in the industry, and ensured the implementation of environmentally friendly home improvement projects from various aspects such as environmentally friendly housing, environmentally friendly design, environmentally friendly materials, environmentally friendly construction, and environmental protection testing. At the same time, B & Q has been committed to various public welfare activities for a long time. This activity is not only a continuation of B & Q's environmental protection home improvement public welfare line, but also an important measure for it to actively fulfill its social responsibility and give back to the community. On the day of the event, B & Q brought a feast of knowledge about environmental protection home improvement to the community residents. The lecture content covered B & Q's "sound, light, water and gas" comprehensive environmental protection measurement model, innovative environmental protection design evaluation system, strict environmental protection material access system, environmental protection construction technology represented by 9 environmental protection technologies, and environmental protection testing certified by national authoritative organizations, etc., to uncover the veil of environmental protection home improvement for the residents layer by layer. Residents showed strong interest one after another, and the lecture site interacted frequently.

The community tour has attracted the attention of many residents. B & Q has specially set up booths in the community to display and introduce in detail the environmental protection home improvement materials and craftsmanship and other consumer concerns, so that residents can feel the charm of environmental protection home improvement up close. In addition, B & Q also provides community special project services such as convenient maintenance, public welfare services for the elderly, home consulting services, home improvement acceptance consulting services, air quality testing, and free house testing (water, electricity and coal, etc.), to open up the "last mile" of convenience services, and press the "beauty button" of the home environment to lay a solid foundation for building a green, healthy and harmonious community environment, comprehensively improve the community living environment, and create a beautiful and livable community.

Develop community convenience services and help build a convenient living circle

In recent years, various localities have rationally planned according to local conditions and actively promoted the construction of a quarter-hour convenient life circle. In response to the policy call and in line with the people's new expectations and new requirements for a better life, B & Q has actively built a good-neighborly service center within 3 kilometers of the store to provide professional one-stop home furnishing services for surrounding residents, and solve the personal needs of community residents such as home maintenance, cleaning, replacement, and decoration, so that the convenient life circle can truly become a "happy life circle".

Environmental protection and public welfare go hand in hand. On the one hand, B & Q empowers residents to rejuvenate and live a better life through the business strength of environmental protection home improvement. On the other hand, it provides convenient services for community users at their fingertips as a leading enterprise. Actively organize home service business, carry out national community environmental protection public welfare days, convenience markets and other promotion activities. While spreading the concept of environmental protection home improvement to thousands of households, B & Q is also activating the convenience service engine with a more convenient home improvement consumption experience and helping to build a convenient life circle.

This public welfare activity not only provided a platform for community residents to understand and experience environmentally friendly home improvement, but also strengthened the connection between B & Q and community residents. It played a positive role in promoting the popularization and practice of environmentally friendly home improvement concepts in the community, and also demonstrated B & Q's deep understanding and firm commitment to environmentally friendly home improvement and community development. In the future, B & Q will continue to join forces with all parties and closely connect with the community to jointly build a more harmonious and beautiful green living environment and decorate a livable home.

Source: Corporate press release
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