The May Day holiday tour of the ancient city, the mountains are full of iron flowers and dream Langya

2024-05-07 15:57 0

/PRZWT/Linyi, May 6, 2024 - See the iron flowers in the mountains, visit the Langya market, and perform hundreds of national style performances... During the May Day holiday, the "Iron Flowers in the mountains" in the ancient city of Langya in Linyi was launched.

It is understood that during the May Day period, the ancient city of Langya had two non-heritage iron flowers every night, taking tourists to experience the shock and splendor of thousands of years ago. Imagine the beautiful iron flowers blooming all over the mountains, it must be the most romantic this May. Compared with

In the past, the May Day blacksmithing flowers are larger, longer, and more dreamy. At the Guofeng Market, which can be played and eaten, the city is full of Langya celebrities, with a variety of NPC interactive gameplay. The scenic spot also prepares for tourists to throw pots, Cuju, throw dice, and turn words into poems.

During the May Day period, 107 wonderful programs were staged every day. There were not only word-of-mouth dramas "Guoxiu Langya" and "Only this Langya", but also new performing arts "Water Show" and "Totem Flying". "Campus Exercise", "Shake Cloud Shoes", "There is a Phoenix Coming to Instrument", "Chibi Fengyun", "Lanting Collection Preface", "Face Changing Acrobatics"... The city was full of wonderful things that made tourists dizzy.

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