Midea Building Technology Helps Li Ning Shape the Future of ESG Green Smart Retail

2024-07-02 17:57 0

/PRZWT/Shanghai, July 2, 2024 - On June 27, Li Ning and Midea Building Technology jointly held the "ESG Green Smart Retail New Practice" theme exchange event. At the Shanghai Li Ning Center, invited media and guests experienced the benchmark case of low-carbon smart stores at close range, and gained an in-depth understanding of the high-quality transformation and development of the retail industry and the feasible path to create a zero-carbon commercial space.

At the event, the guests first visited the low-carbon smart store located in Shanghai Li Ning Center. Li Shuaiqi, the channel department of Li Ning Company, introduced the construction process and highlights of the flagship store of Shanghai Li Ning Center. The flagship store opened in 2023 and is Li Ning's representative on the road of low-carbon smart store exploration. According to the introduction, "This plan subverts the traditional store operation inertia, making it safer, more efficient and more energy-saving. While harvesting more than 9.1% of the operational carbon reduction effect every day, it also optimizes the equipment operation time of more than 90% of the employees, maximizing the release of employees' energy."

As an important partner of Li Ning's practice of ESG responsibility, Midea Building Technology provided the store with a comprehensive solution for zero-carbon business, including two smart end points and a strong and weak electricity integrated cabinet. Among them, the smart store management platform is one of the highlights of the smart end point. It has a variety of operation modes such as clerk mode, business mode, closing mode, etc., which can realize the fine management of store energy consumption, environmental parameters and carbon emissions, greatly reduce the energy consumption of the store, and is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 13.5 tons per year.

It is worth mentioning that Midea Building Technology also plans to introduce virtual power plant technology into Li Ning stores. As an innovative energy management model, virtual power plants can integrate decentralized energy resources to achieve optimal allocation and efficient use of energy. Through the application of virtual power plant technology, Li Ning stores will further improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

After the visit, Liu Wei, the head of Li Ning's sustainable development department, shared the theme of "Li Ning ESG Exploration and Practice". As one of the leading enterprises of domestic sports brands, Li Ning adheres to the sustainable concept of long-term development and practical changes, and explores a new path to improve "quality" to "new". Since the release of the first corporate social responsibility report in 2006, Li Ning has been exploring ways to achieve sustainable enterprise. In the whole process of enterprise operation, it adheres to the guiding ideology of "digital green coordinated development", and uses intelligent and digital technologies to promote clean energy use and energy efficient management in an orderly manner, and implement green operation concepts. In 2023, Li Ning launched the image of the ninth generation of stores. Taking this opportunity, Li Ning incorporated store energy consumption and carbon emissions into the group's digital management, dedicated to improving channel efficiency, substantially reducing store energy costs and reducing resource consumption.

In order to promote green operations, Li Ning has put the transformation of low-carbon smart stores by combining digital design and offline store space design on the agenda, and joined hands with Midea Building Technology to create benchmark cases in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen to jointly explore the digital and low-carbon transformation of the retail industry.

Ge Tianqi, a senior architect of Midea Building Technology Solutions, shared the green store solution created by Midea to help green Li Ning ESG. In response to the green development needs of the former retail and consumer goods industries, Midea Building Technology deepened its business scenarios and customized a zero-carbon commercial comprehensive solution for Li Ning from the three dimensions of experience optimization, energy consumption optimization, and management optimization. The solution was standardized and quickly implemented during the store construction process to help users achieve a reduction in costs and initial investment.

In addition to the flagship store of Shanghai Li Ning Center, the flagship store of Beijing Li Ning Center fully considered the energy saving and green effect in the later operation stage at the beginning of the construction of the store. Therefore, the store uses the Midea MDV8 high-efficiency multi-connection with full DC frequency conversion and super-national first-class energy efficiency to help the store save energy and reduce carbon at the starting line. At the same time, considering more possibilities for green upgrades in future stores, the technical interface and hardware architecture of product digital intelligence iteration and upgrade are reserved in advance to help the store continuously optimize and iterate green operations.

Li Ning Shenzhen Center is characterized by building renovation and renewal. Midea Building Technology carried out a comprehensive upgrade of the building's automatic control system in just 24 days. Through the application of building intelligent control products such as Midea Control DDC, control system, and Smart control, fine management of building energy consumption, environmental parameters, and carbon emissions has been realized. This digital and intelligent management model is not only expected to achieve energy savings of more than 15%, but also provides Li Ning with data support to facilitate decision-making optimization and strategic planning, and further enhance the resilience of the enterprise's green operations.

As a comprehensive service provider of smart buildings, Midea Building Technology has fully developed four core businesses of HVAC, intelligent elevators, intelligent building control, and energy management, as well as its own product and technical advantages in the field of green buildings. By combining high-efficiency equipment, system optimization, low-carbon consulting, and intelligent operation, it has provided Li Ning retail stores and office buildings with a zero-carbon business solution that integrates software and hardware, realizes building energy conservation and carbon reduction, store low-carbon operation, cost reduction and efficiency increase.

With the steady advancement of the "dual carbon" goal, the retail industry is actively applying innovative technologies under the national initiative to accelerate the establishment of a green and low-carbon circular development system. The cooperation between Li Ning and Midea Building Technology has created a low-carbon smart store model that can be replicated and easy to implement for the industry. In the foreseeable future, the green store case jointly built by the two sides will provide a reference path for China's retail industry to seek high-quality growth and green transformation and upgrading, and drive more low-carbon smart stores to bloom in cities across the country.

Source: Corporate press release
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