
What is the biggest advantage of looking for a professional bookkeeping company?

With the continuous development of market economy, small and medium-sized enterprises spring up like bamboo shoots after rain, and the accounting companies that suit them come into being. Let us take you inside the world of bookkeeping companies! Bookkeeping companies have outstanding advantages. As a novel accounting solution and a new social accounting service item, accounting firms are being promoted

2022-12-13 17:42

How much do you know about accounting?

Accounting as accounting work, in fact, we should also know some knowledge, which can help our daily life more convenient, and then bring you some accounting knowledge. Accounting refers to the specific business of accounting, such as collecting, organizing, recording, calculating and reporting original documents. It requires specification

2022-12-13 17:37

Art version of the Three-Body Problem animation online! Premieres Dec. 10 on Station B with 2 episodes

Guangzhou, December 13, 2022 -- The Three-Body Problem animation will be broadcast at 11:00 am on De

2022-12-13 16:41

Gree Electric Appliances' Road to Youth -- Challenge and breakthrough of traditional home appliances

Guangzhou, December 13, 2022 -- In recent years, facing the rapid rise of more and more emerging bra

2022-12-13 16:33

What is the specific process of accounting bookkeeping?

Accounting is the process of accounting for accounting. All kinds of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs often need to seek the help of accounting firms due to their business scale and other reasons. At this time, it is very important for everyone to understand the accounting process. The following Xiaobian will take you to understand the specific process of bookkeeping: according to the cashier handover

2022-12-12 17:35

Do you know the importance of financial consulting in business operation?

As an important part of enterprise internal management, financial management involves more complex contents and forms. What does financial consulting do? What is the role of financial advice? Great changes have taken place in the development mode and content of Chinese enterprises during the operation of market economy. Many enterprises in order to achieve their own stability

2022-12-12 16:44

Respect the future with extraordinary! The 20th anniversary of Omagh Refrigerator

Guangzhou, December 12, 2022 -- The process of starting a business is a process of challenges and opportunities, as well as suffering and resolution. Founded in Guangzhou, China, in 2022, Auma Refrigerator may not have expected that it would only take 20 years to grow from obscurity to international fame with a volume of 10 billion.

2022-12-12 10:42

Rainbow Group won the Industrial Design Competition results transformation award, helping enterprises to innovate and develop in high quality

Guangzhou, December 12, 2022 -- The 2022 "Rainbow Cup" Tianfu Baodao Industrial Design Competition h

2022-12-12 10:40

China Mobile cloud video will release three series of new products to open up a new video conference horizon

Guangzhou, December 12, 2022 -- The 2022 China Mobile Global Partner Conference with the theme of "C

2022-12-12 10:39

You don't have a company, how do you bill them?

According to Xiaobian understand, now there are many people in order to earn more income, in their o

2022-12-09 16:10

What is agency bookkeeping? What requirements must be met to engage in accounting agent?

Last time we talked about bookkeeping companies. In fact, the bookkeeping agency is the most important post in the bookkeeping company, so I will tell you what is the bookkeeping agency. An accountant usually refers to an accountant who completes matters entrusted by others in the name of an agent with his own accounting expertise. Mainly responsible for each enterprise.

2022-12-09 15:27

Here comes AMD, cloud server BCC releases 5 new instances of Milan architecture

Guangzhou, December 09, 2022 -- Baidu Intelligent Cloud recently released five instances of its cloud server BCC(Baidu Cloud Compute), which is equipped with the third generation AMD EPYC processor (Milan), in order to face a more diversified

2022-12-09 15:25

In the year of the large-scale landing of intelligent driving, the new strategy of 4D Map focuses on intelligent car track

Guangzhou, December 09, 2022 -- Affected by the ups and downs of the COVID-19 pandemic, the macroeco

2022-12-09 14:57

Hitachi elevator won the bid for Shenzhen New Landmark to digitize Shenzhen area

Guangzhou, December 09, 2022 -- Hitachi Elevator Co., LTD cooperated with Shenzhen Bay Cultural Plaza and C Tower of Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base in November to provide escalator products and building transportation solutions for the projects, promoting intelligent building upgrading and accelerating through digital solutions

2022-12-09 14:53

Since replacing business tax with value-added tax, what are the special cases of VAT invoices?

According to the compilation, since the release of the Notice of the State Administration of Taxation of the People's Republic of China (Guo Shui Fa [2004]153, hereinafter referred to as 153) in 2004, the State Administration of Taxation has included the VAT special invoice into the anti-counterfeiting tax control system. Over time, especially many battalions

2022-12-08 17:11

Can a natural person apply to tax authorities for VAT special invoice?

Can a natural person apply for VAT business to the tax authorities? What should I pay attention to when applying for * *? Next, let's look at the problem. Q1: Under what circumstances can a natural person (i.e., "other individual" in the document) issue a special VAT invoice? 1 scene for other individuals to sell

2022-12-08 17:08

Best Times love and dare not be afraid to challenge EOS Youth Imaging Academy Qingdao station

/ Daily News/Guangzhou, December 08, 2022 -- Sharing images has become a very important way of expression among young people, and more and more young people are interested in photography. In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of young photography enthusiasts and students, explore and cultivate potential young photographers

2022-12-08 15:18

AQUA Aike three-in-one constant temperature dehumidification heat pump, showing professional performance without fear of cold

Guangzhou, December 08, 2022 -- Policy-driven, consumption-led and continuously driven by the concept of "big health" in the era of COVID-19, the heat pump industry has ushered in a new era of rapid development. According to statistics, the heat pump industry grew by 25.2% in 2021, reaching about 227.1

2022-12-08 15:16

Officially entered the cloud store: Nanjing One System became Huawei cloud joint operation and intermodal partner

Guangzhou, December 08, 2022 -- Recently, Nanjing One Advanced's product "Black Side Disaster Recovery Backup and Recovery System" entered Huawei Yunyun Store, officially becoming Huawei Cloud's joint operation and transportation partner in the field of data protection. Through joint operation and transportation mode, the cooperation between the two sides can

2022-12-08 15:15

Portugal made it through to the last eight with a strong showing. It was indeed "China's team, China's team"!

/ Morning News/Guangzhou, December 07, 2022 -- Goncalo Ramos scored his first hat-trick of the World Cup as Portugal took on Switzerland in the final quarterfinals of the Qatar World Cup on December 7 (Beijing time).

2022-12-07 18:12