Vinamilk Expands Brand Footprint in Mainland China with PRZWT’s Suite of Communications Services

Find out how PRZWT helped Vinamilk launch its communications campaign in a new market.

Vinamilk, which is headquartered in Vietnam, is among the world’s Top 50 largest dairy companies. The company has the largest international standard farming system in Asia and its products are exported to 56 countries.

In 2019, the Vietnamese nutrition group officially launched in mainland China. While it is a well-known dairy brand in Vietnam, it had a nascent brand presence in mainland China. The company needed to localize its communications efforts in order to establish its brand reputation and effectively target local consumers in a new market.

Vinamilk enlisted the expertise of PRZWT to craft a press release and package the information and customized branded video into a Multimedia News Release and utilized PRZWT’s extensive media network in mainland China to ensure that the news reach the right audience.

Get this case study to find out how PRZWT help Vinamilk to:

Tap on a synergy of communications expertise and support across the APAC region.

Craft engaging press release content that resonates with local audiences.

Harness the power of multimedia in its press release through a customized branded video
