2022 HELLO Chongli Cuiyunshan MIDI Music season cool return!

August 05, 2022 Guangzhou -- The daytime temperature is 25 degrees Celsius! After the Start of Autumn 2022 HELLO Chongli · Cuiyunshan MIDI Music season live up to expectations, restart back! From August 20 to August 21, it is hosted by Beijing MIDI Music School and Hebei Tourism Investment Group Tourism Resort

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HELLO Chongli Cuiyunshan MIDI Music season 2022 departure again

/ ZhaodongTong/July 25, 2022 Guangzhou -- After one year's departure, the 2022 HELLO Chongli · Cuiyunshan MIDI Music season is back and starting again! This 2022 HELLO Chongli · Cuiyunshan MIDI Music Season is sponsored by Beijing MIDI Music School and Hebei Tourism

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