Mengniu Student Milk Food Education Star embarks on a study tour, allowing health and knowledge to go together


2024-08-14 16:36

Bee Share Home global brand study tour plan into Shengmu organic deep strategic cooperation to help super popular activities

Guangzhou, August 30, 2022 -- On August 28, the Beichenhome global Brand study Tour program entered Shengmu Airport. More than 30 representatives of excellent leaders gathered in Ulan Buhe Desert Oasis to trace how a cup of good organic milk goes from pasture to table in the golden milk source industrial belt at 40 degrees north latitude.

2022-09-22 14:06 354

Autumn growth golden period, Mengniu student milk nutrition help for health points

Guangzhou, August 30, 2022 -- Quality-oriented education is still the focus of parents' attention in the second year of the "double reduction" policy, coinciding with the back-to-school season across the country. In the new semester, students not only need to pay attention to their own epidemic prevention and control, but also face the pressure of improving physical, mental, creative and other comprehensive abilities

2022-09-22 14:03 142

Mengniu Yashili global integration, the construction of strategic Golden Triangle

“ Yashili wants to become the leading brand of infant milk powder in China. ” This is the ambition of Yashili President Lu Minfang, a dairy veteran, and an important part of the international landscape of its parent company Mengniu. As the man who brought Dumex to China

2016-04-14 12:11 487

Mengniu Yashili defines new domestic goods

“ Chinese brands feed Chinese babies. . Although foreign milk powder is popular in China, foreign monks are not localized enough after all. Due to different physical conditions, many babies still suffer from allergies and eczema when they eat foreign milk powder. In fact

2016-04-12 14:46 412