Strength of the end of the first half year, how to let the market "photographic memory"

2022-08-01 18:22 0

/ Aswuntong/August 01, 2022 Guangzhou -- The 24th Shandong International Heating and Heating Boiler and Air Conditioning Technology and Equipment Exhibition, Taiyuan Station of North China Clean Heating Summit, 2022 HVAC and home distribution machinery industry channel "Growth" public welfare tour in Hangzhou... Although the development of most industries in the whole country has fallen into a depressed state in the first half of the year, Zhongguang Otes has frequently appeared in various exhibitions, presenting different comfortable intelligent solutions to the market.

However, it is still difficult for Zhongguang Otes to gain a foothold in the current market with fierce competition. The year 2022 is already half over. How can Zhongguang Otes make the market "unforgettable"? Perhaps we should explore the implications from product, channel, brand and other perspectives.

Cover the whole category, differentiated products break the circle of the market

< P > In the market competition is particularly fierce at present, many people believe that only by products have been unable to capture the hearts of consumers, need to be supplemented by high-quality services. But there is also a saying in the industry that a good product is the foundation of everything, and that the best service is no service at all. There is truth in both of these statements, but the basic logic is still inseparable from the product. At present, the market product homogeneity, profit space shrinking, the first half of the year is "haze". When many people are helpless, Zhongguang Otes launched a new heat pump air conditioning products, and added new members to the original product line. This is a new report card of Zhongguang Otes in the layout of large HVAC road.

As a rising "star" in a series of products of Otes, heat pump air conditioning products break the operating principle, heat transfer mechanism, system design, configuration and other multiple boundaries, and make differentiation on the basis of traditional air conditioning, uphold the new concept of "redefine air conditioning with heat pump", grafting low temperature and strong heat technology to the field of ordinary air conditioning. To build a stable, energy-saving, efficient purpose of new heating and cooling air conditioning. It is because of the new breakthrough of differentiation for the market pain points, Zhongguang Otes heat pump air conditioning products once launched, caused a warm response in the market, caused waves of buying.

Channel digging demand, localization strategy to expand the market

< P > "Wine flavor is afraid of alley deep" is the true portrait of the current market bottom, good products, good plan more need someone to promote, to land, so the channel layout development, has been one of the key work in the development process of ZhongguangOuters. McLuhan put forward the concept of "media as an extension of people" in Understanding Media: On the Extension of People, which is actually very similar to the relationship between brand and channel. The most prominent feature of channel providers is to connect users and brands, which can be understood as "brand extension" from this perspective.

For the extended "tentacles", the strong support that Zhongguang Otes can provide is to lay out a whole series of product lines and provide one-stop products for channel operators. Of course, the products only provide more choices for channel providers, China's vast territory and abundant resources determine the differences in regional markets. Having a common strategy is of course important, but if you want to rapidly expand the market in different regions, you also need to retain the subjective initiative of the region and develop according to local conditions. Therefore, the "localization strategy" of Zhongguang Otes came into being. In recent years, Zhongguang has actively carried out a series of channel activities such as "Activities to benefit the people in ten thousand towns and ten thousand stores" and product promotion meetings to activate the local market. Under the condition of stabilizing the market, the independent vitality of each region is fully guaranteed, which is also an important reason why Zhongguang can maintain its vitality in the depressed market. < / p > < p > < b > brand pattern, a new image to meet market < / b > < / p > < p > goes the "name is not straight, is bad; If the words are not good, nothing will happen. "To open the door of users and let them choose Otes is not only the role of products and channels, but also the influence of the brand. With national degree, let the channel business, peer recognized brand, can be called a strong brand, so Zhongguang Otes in brand construction also spare no effort. Whether to choose a new spokesperson or help the Asian Games, Zhongguang Otes constantly update their brand image.

And what the industry pays most attention to is actually the Yunfeng meeting of 2022 National Excellent Dealers of China Canton Electric Group, which released the super symbol of China Canton Otes -- "O". Just like the creative prototype of the super symbol -- "Rising sun in the East", it means hope and beauty. At the same time, the super symbol "O" is similar to the number "0", which represents the mission of carbon green development in Zhongguang, and also represents a new idea of integrated layout of cold and warm geomantic omen based on air energy. It can be said that, with a new iteration of the brand image, China Canton Electric Group once again conveys its determination to carry out the layout of the new business territory and make all-out progress.

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A thing, a person, a brand can do people "photographic memory", either have outstanding characteristics, or is constantly "appearance", in people's mind to form a special memory point. Zhongguang Otes has a clear and firm target direction whether in products, channels or brand building. No matter how the environment changes, Zhongguang Otes will always make the market "unforgettable" with new development achievements and new brand image.

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Zhongguang Otes
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