Good day sincere person series | phase 3: respect best workers

2022-08-02 18:38 0

/ Daily News/August 02, 2022, Guangzhou -- It has been 34 years since Tiancheng was founded. Over the past 30 years, Tiancheng has been able to sustain its career because of the joint efforts of the old and new Tiancheng people who are conscientious, brave and silent.

Truly good individuals and teams have a precious quality, that is consistently good. In order to recognize and promote the deeds of outstanding Tianchengren and encourage all TianChengren to catch up with others, we will launch a series of reports on Outstanding TianChengren in 2022, reliving the footprints of Outstanding TianChengren's struggle.

This report comes from Ruan Wenjun, Green chemical Industry Company of the Group Headquarters. He is the green guardian of Tiancheng Park and the gardener of silent dedication. The beauty of the park can not be separated from the hard work of Master Ruan.

"What seems ordinary is extraordinary. What is easy is hard." Walking in the tree-lined park of Tiancheng, you will have the illusion of being in a park. Flowers and trees are interwoven, Qiao irrigated and well-arranged, just like being in the green home in the bustling city. Behind these beautiful scenes is a garden green chemical industry cultivated silently for ten years, and it is his daily labor and cultivation that guards the beauty of Tiancheng Park. He is affectionately known as Master Ruan.

Guard the park green, is the responsibility, is not the leader's trust

Walk in the Tiancheng garden, as long as a little attention, around a circle, always can find a quiet busy figure in the green trees, may be watering flowers and trees, may be in pruning, or in the lawn, or in the control of insects and weeds. If it is hot in summer, you can always see his shoulder hanging a towel to wipe sweat, if you stop and talk to him a few words: Master Ruan, tired is not tired ah, he will smile and answer: no tired, labor exercise, my appetite is better! Say that finish immediately into the work, skilled action, firm eyes, it is the determination to do one thing, and from the heart that the most simple belief: to have a sense of responsibility, worthy of the trust of the leader.

Ruan Wenjun, 67 years old this year, has been in Tiancheng for 10 years. Although he has reached the age of 60, Master Ruan is still full of energy, never afraid of dirty work, not afraid of tired, facing difficulties, serious and responsible work style has won the admiration of colleagues and leaders. "Tiancheng is my home, to do things for the park is to do things for their own, park green is my responsibility; As long as the company needs, I will always be in the day, until the day can not move." Plain words, revealing his deep feelings for Tiancheng; Hard-working style of work, but also moved many living in the green days of Cheng people.

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Spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four seasons change, but what does not change is the day-to-day work of Master Ruan: mowing, planting, pruning, watering, trimming, pruning, etc. Different seasons have different priorities. Every summer, due to the hot weather, to water the green plants became the most important work Ruan master, this time Ruan master insist on 4 o 'clock day is not bright on the day to get up every day, from 4:30 to 7:30 watering, this time is not too hot, but also to avoid the damage of high temperature watering to the green plants. In winter, pruning trees has become the most important job of Master Ruan, who usually climbs a ladder to pruning trees. For the 60-something Master Ruan, it is not suitable for the layman, but Master Ruan said, "Rest assured, the safety measures have been done, and I am very accustomed to standing on the tree pruning, skillful and also very good at it, no different from the ground." Especially able to bear hardships and fight, this spirit stems from his sense of responsibility, but also a belief in doing a good job. His love for work has been deeply integrated into his daily life. He has no concept of weekends or holidays. On his rest days, he will walk around the park to see where needs trimming and adjustment.

< p> Master Ruan said: "Strength is wealth, gone and returned," which is a slang term in his hometown. In addition to conscientiously completing the established work, he also added a lot of work to himself, such as regularly cleaning the weeds of water hyacinth in the pool of the park, which is a seemingly simple but not easy job. Because there is a fountain in the pool, it is sometimes necessary to dive into the water to clean up the sundries outside the fountain device, but Master Ruan is never afraid of hardship and fatigue, and silently and actively dedicates himself. When I am busy at work, I often ask my wife for help. When other departments need help or leaders to arrange temporary work in the park, he can always complete it with quality and quantity guaranteed.

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A pair of hands, a set of tools, seemingly simple manual labor, is the greatest guardian. Tiancheng man Ruan Wenjun proved with the most simple actions: there is no high or low work, as long as the serious work, it is worthy of respect and admiration. May every day Cheng people can live in their own place into a beam of light, to illuminate themselves, but also to illuminate others.

Source: Corporate press release
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