Polar Bear Challenge: Arctic Ocean Joins Forces with Oral Fort Animal Kingdom to Protect Glaciers

2024-08-28 16:56 0

/PRZWT/August 28, 2024 Beijing - Emotional Connections - The Story of the Arctic Ocean and the Arctic

In the long river of time, as a brand that focuses on sustainable development, Arctic Ocean itself has a long history and has always held a deep understanding and strong commitment to sustainable development. Since its establishment, Arctic Ocean has made the polar bear a core element of its iconic image, which is not only a visual choice, but also a manifestation of the brand's spirit and values.

As the flagship species of the polar ecosystem, the polar bear symbolizes strength and purity, and also faces serious challenges posed by global climate change. Therefore, the Arctic Ocean brand has established an emotional bond with the Arctic that goes beyond the commercial realm. This deep emotion has led Arctic Ocean to maintain a high level of concern and responsibility for the status of Arctic glaciers and polar bears.

Crossing the Poles - A Fantastic Journey Through the Glaciers

In order to make more people pay attention to the survival status of the polar biological community, the Arctic Ocean has recently launched a series of educational and entertaining activities. For example, the "Glacier Cup" - a special cup with a specific pattern that only appears in a low temperature environment. When the cup is placed in a low temperature environment, the originally hidden glacier pattern gradually appears. This wonderful change is not only amazing, but also more deeply reflects the importance of the glacier melting problem.

This design not only provides consumers with a fun and interactive experience, but also reminds people of the impact of glacial retreat on polar ecosystems. In this way, the Arctic Ocean hopes to make more people aware of the impact of glacial retreat on polar biodiversity, especially polar bears, and stimulate interest and action for environmental protection.

Environmental protection for all - pass on love through action

In order to attract more people's attention to the current situation of the Arctic Ocean, the official platform of the Arctic Ocean has launched a customized "Arctic Ocean Glacier Cup" lottery to encourage more consumers to participate and pay attention to the issue of glacier melting. This move not only reflects the positive response of the Arctic Ocean brand to environmental protection issues, but also a meaningful interaction between the brand and consumers.

In addition, Arctic Ocean also showcased its "recyclable glass bottle" design, which is not only a manifestation of the brand's commitment to sustainability, but also a demonstration of Arctic Ocean's sense of social responsibility. Through this design, Arctic Ocean conveys the brand's emphasis on environmental protection, while also encouraging consumers to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Live Interactive - Explore the World of Polar Bears

As well as promoting environmental protection, the Arctic Ocean realizes that it is also crucial to make more people aware of the living habits of other organisms and the threats they face. Because global environmental change not only affects human life, but also has a profound impact on other creatures on the planet, especially those living in extreme environments, such as polar bears.

In order to let more people understand this polar group intuitively, Arctic Ocean and Orleburg Marine Polar World in Quancheng, Shandong held a unique live broadcast event. In this live broadcast event, the audience could observe the living conditions of polar bears up close through the live broadcast camera, feel their charm, and also see the interesting interaction between polar bear keepers and live streaming hosts.

In the live broadcast, the breeder mentioned that the living space of polar bears in the wild is gradually shrinking, especially in the Arctic region, which is threatened by the environment. Polar bears are facing severe challenges of food shortage and habitat loss, which pose a serious threat to the survival of the entire polar bear population. Therefore, the breeder said that he often shares interesting facts about polar bear breeding with his friends in his daily life to let more people know about them. After all, the polar bear population is the top of the food chain in the Arctic ecosystem, and the survival direction of their group will also have a certain impact on human beings.

Experts also point out that the melting of glaciers caused by current global climate change has caused the Arctic sea ice area to shrink at a rate of about 13% every decade, which has had a serious impact on the habitat of polar bears and other wildlife. At the same time, studies show that from 1980 to 2019, the average weight of pregnant polar bears has dropped by 15%, and the number of newborn cubs has also declined, indicating that the situation of polar bears is already precarious. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed polar bears as highly vulnerable to extinction. As the top predators in the Arctic ecosystem, polar bears play a key role in maintaining ecological balance. Protecting polar bears and their habitats is essential to maintaining the health of the earth's ecosystems and the future of humanity.

Through this live event, the Arctic Ocean not only provided the public with a window to understand the living habits of polar bears, but more importantly, it successfully conveyed a positive environmental protection concept. This interactive form of combining education and entertainment not only deepened public awareness of environmental protection, but also contributed to the cause of polar bear protection.

Unite as one -- pass on the concept of environmental protection

As the event progressed, netizens on social media also actively participated. They continued to contribute to the world's environmental protection in their own way, emphasizing the importance of protecting the natural environment, calling on more people to pay attention to the issue of glacier melting, and jointly contribute to the protection of the earth.

For brands, through this series of activities, Arctic Ocean not only enhances its own brand perception, but more importantly, this marketing method that combines creativity and social responsibility not only helps to improve branding impression and reputation, but also builds long-term trust and goodwill in the hearts of consumers.

We firmly believe that through the joint efforts of all sectors of society, we can leave a greener and better environment for future generations. Let's join hands and work tirelessly to achieve this shared vision. ...

Source: Corporate press release
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