Huawei Pura 70 series is equipped with multiple AI functions of Xiaoyi, and you can enjoy a smart experience!


2024-04-24 16:14

Huawei at MWC 2023: Intelligent World Needs Stronger ICT Industry and Digital Economy

BARCELONA, Spain--(PRZWT)--During MWC Barcelona 2023, Huawei will be meeting with operators, industr

2023-03-02 09:48

Officially entered the cloud store: Nanjing One System became Huawei cloud joint operation and intermodal partner

Guangzhou, December 08, 2022 -- Recently, Nanjing One Advanced's product "Black Side Disaster Recovery Backup and Recovery System" entered Huawei Yunyun Store, officially becoming Huawei Cloud's joint operation and transportation partner in the field of data protection. Through joint operation and transportation mode, the cooperation between the two sides can

2022-12-08 15:15

A new round of OTA upgrade is coming to the M5, and a better experience is at hand

The M5, the first model of the Asq series, has been on the market for nearly a year. Q Jie M5, a smart luxury electric drive SUV, has been upgraded several times with strong OTA capability, providing users with frequently used and new car experience. Recently, M5 will usher in a new round of OTA upgrade, upgrade range

2022-11-28 11:05

Yadu New humidifier helps Huawei Whole House 3.0 space, leading the new fashion of intelligent life

Guangzhou, November 22, 2022 -- On November 4, Huawei Developer Conference 2022(Together) kicked off in Songshan Lake, Dongguan. Themed "Seeing the Future through Innovation", the conference shared with global developers the new achievements of Hongmeng Ecosystem,

2022-11-22 14:28

Bitauto won the "Most Potential Partner" award at Huawei Developer Conference

Guangzhou, Nov 09, 2022 -- Huawei Developer Conference 2022(Together) was held in Dongguan's Songshan Lake on Nov 5. With the theme of "Innovation Sees the Future", this conference unleashes the vitality of innovation and opens a new track for developers and partners.

2022-11-09 16:46

Anta children's logo upgrade, open a new chapter of professional children's sports

/ Chaowen/Guangzhou, October 20, 2022 -- Introduction: "Stubbornness" is the nature of children. The

2022-10-20 17:41

Explore the space possibility brought by the whole house intelligence Huawei Whole House intelligent X "Home Gallery" Shanghai elite designer salon ended smoothly

Guangzhou, August 30, 2022 -- With the improvement of people's living standards, the smart home industry is booming and more and more smart products are accepted by consumers. However, most of the smart home solutions in the early stage of the industry are only based on smart home single products. On this basis, Huawei

2022-09-22 14:06 471

Huawei x easy flow, to achieve manufacturing logistics value co-creation!

Guangzhou, Sep 01, 2022 -- As the main body of the national economy, manufacturing industry covers a series of links from raw materials, intermediate products to the production and circulation of final products. It is an important component of the industrial chain and supply chain system. In the global economic and political environment changes under the objective factors, manufacturing

2022-09-16 09:47 1214

The back-to-school season of Generation Z: Huawei Skills Plus, you are the focus!

Guangzhou, Sep. 01, 2022 -- "In the new semester, I must be a different version of myself." Countless students vowed in the beginning of the semester not only to improve their study, but also to become a better version of themselves in other aspects. For Gen Z students, technology plus

2022-09-15 14:18 439