Upgrading of old for new service Jd.com Home Appliances and manufacturers to release the "Renewal Commitment" of the national Home Appliances Consumption season

Guangzhou, August 16, 2022 -- In response to the call of the Ministry of Commerce for "2022 National Household Appliances Consumption Season", JD Home Appliances, together with the China Household Appliances Association, the State Grid of China and many home appliance manufacturers, released the "Renewal Letter of Commitment" for the 2022 National Household Appliances Consumption Season

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The trend of consumption recovery gradually shows Jingdong Home Appliances "revitalizing the track" to create the industry "new productivity

Guangzhou, August 17, 2022 -- Steadily increasing consumption of automobiles, household appliances and other commodities has become a key link and an important engine for unblocking China's big cycle. In recent years, the household appliance industry has maintained a steady growth trend, especially in the high-end, integrated, scenario-based, intelligent trend

2022-08-17 17:22 135

The 815th anniversary celebration of Jd.com Home Appliances creates new opportunities for green upgrading in the industry

Guangzhou, August 17, 2022 -- The demand structure of China's home appliance consumer market is undergoing profound changes. According to the 2021 China Home Appliance Market Report released by the China Institute of Electronic Information Industry Development, people's demand for home appliances is shifting from "subsistence type" that meets basic functions

2022-08-17 17:22 88

Aggregate new demand for a total of new highs Jingdong Home Appliances "815 anniversary celebration" revealed industry signals

/ Morning News/Guangzhou, August 17, 2022 -- Sit on a recliner and gently shake a palm-leaf fan while listening to the chirping of insects and birds. This is next door Uncle Zhang's summer mode. Not this year. Heat waves across the country in turn, staged around 40℃ relay race, never into summer to just into autumn, and

2022-08-17 17:22 90

Lock on August 14 at 8 p.m. Jingdong Home Appliances "815 anniversary celebration" revitalizing welfare revealed plot in advance

Guangzhou, August 15, 2022 -- As the high temperature in August continues, how to build a comfortable home life through quality household appliances? At 8 PM on August 14, the "815th anniversary celebration" of Jingdong home appliances officially opened, and many home appliances are available for use at the "price guarantee of Jingdong 11.11"

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