Aggregate new demand for a total of new highs Jingdong home appliances "815 anniversary celebration" revealed industry signals

2022-08-17 17:22 0

/ Daily News/August 17, 2022 Guangzhou -- Sit on a recliner and gently shake a palm-leaf fan while listening to the chirping of insects and birds. This is next door Uncle Zhang's summer mode. Not this year. Heat waves across the country in turn, staged around 40℃ relay race, never into summer to just into autumn, and there is no pause. Even Uncle Zhang said goodbye to his couch and put down his fan. He asked me, "Which new air conditioner is better?" ", "Where is more reliable and appropriate to buy?

This is demand. It happens immediately, without any preparation, and it doesn't happen in a concentrated burst at a predetermined time. And how to concentrate the demand scattered in the market, how to mobilize manufacturers to supply high-quality goods to form a new trend, this is the value of the channel represented by Jingdong. This year, relying on the "National household Appliance consumption season in August", JD Home Appliances has joined hands with manufacturers to create the "815th anniversary celebration", which is to satisfy users and help manufacturers grow on the one hand by creating the third node in addition to JD 618 and 11.11. According to the data of, during the peak period of 28 hours for the "815th anniversary celebration" of home appliances, the transaction volume of air conditioning increased by more than 130% and that of fresh air conditioning increased by more than 4 times. At the same time, many customers participated in the "trade-in" activity, trading in air conditioners, refrigerators and other products, and the number of trade-in orders increased by 170% year-on-year.

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After JD 618, the market calmed down and the demand seemed to end. However, this is just the appearance. It is not the case. Just like Uncle Zhang next door suddenly wants to replace the old air conditioner that cannot be moved in his home and buy a new air conditioner, the revitalized consumption demand stimulated by the outside world is erupting from time to time. However, JD has the ability to gather users' demands and continuously enlarge them, and finally detonate and realize growth with new consumption nodes.

Great changes are taking place in China's home appliance market. People's demand for home appliances is changing from "subsistence type" to "quality type". How to meet the rejuvenating needs of these users? The semi-annual summary of household appliance market in the first half of 2022 highlights three points: First, to reshape the systematic ability of the sinking market and stimulate the upgrading needs of sinking users; Second, we should actively do a good job of scene experience service, in order to stimulate the demand of users under the iceberg and stimulate the release; Third, pay high attention to the personalized and stratified trend of users, deepen product customization centering on user needs, rather than differentiated customization centering on sales channels.

This means that the channel should do a good job in channel focus and make strategic adjustments according to the changes in demand. Especially when the revitalizing demand is concentrated, it is necessary to start from the two aspects of "tree image" and "do scale", and realize the transformation from "private domain" to "mental domain", so as to occupy and satisfy the user's mind.

Not only the demand side, the supply side of the "upgrade" desire is also strong. When it comes to how to bridge the gap between JD 618 and JD 11.11, many executives of household appliance brands have privately complained that two activities per year is a little awkward compared with multiple promotions in the past, and the enterprises have to seek cooperation from multiple parties to avoid the double drop in passion and sales. During the gap period, there may be discontinuous layout of high-end new home appliances, or even squeezed by white brand, middle and low-end products, which will interfere with the progress of the revitalizing plan.

The hot season in July and August is not a small space to explore, especially the strong demand for trade-ins. In this context, JD household appliances can have an insight into the current situation and increase the "815th anniversary celebration" activity due to the time and trend, setting off a wave of trade-ins consumption in the field of household appliances. Especially for consumers, has greatly satisfied the purchase desire of "buy at any time and buy at any time" after 618, making it a reality for them to buy when they want, which can be better satisfied whether it is the increase of consumption demand for cool household appliances brought by hot weather, or the surge of demand for replacement brought by traditional home decoration season.

Trade-in activation trend of home appliance outbreak The third node characteristics of home appliance consumption appear

As a barometer of household bulk consumption, the demand for home appliance consumption increases greatly with the change of people's lifestyle. Especially, the hot sale of new home appliances plays an important role in the process of the renewal of the cycle and radiates the inspiring confidence of the industry. It also brings new impetus to the growth of the overall consumer market. The elimination and renewal of old household appliances is the major thrust to activate the consumption upgrade.

As we all know, the service life of refrigerators, air conditioners and other people's electricity is generally 8-10 years. According to the data released by the National Development and Reform Commission, at present the total number of household appliances in our country is more than 2.1 billion, while the number of waste household appliances more than 200 million, growing at 20% annual average. In the face of such a huge demand for renewal of home appliances, Jingdong home Appliances focuses on the "old for new" service innovation. For example, during the "815th anniversary" of Jingdong, regardless of the appearance of the old home appliances, Jingdong home appliances can be free to the door, free dismantling, free handling; For example, old machine subsidies enjoy a fixed price, do not need tedious commodity evaluation process and so on. There are also 3C cross-category trade-in, so that the old mobile phone, old computer at home can also change the air conditioning, TV. According to the 28-hour battle report data of Jingdong's "815th anniversary celebration" this year, the number of trade-in orders increased by 170% year-on-year, among which, the number of trade-in orders of small household appliances increased by 3.6 times year-on-year. The value of air-conditioner trade-in orders increased by 240% year-on-year. This data is undoubtedly the best confirmation of Jingdong home appliances deep cultivation of "old for new".

On the other hand, as a renewal undertaking, for the purpose of quality renewal, home appliances with intelligent functions, Internet of things, health sterilization and other functions are rising. In August, when sports events are held intensively, the demand for replacing the old TV with a 4K or 8K large-screen TV surges. In August, high temperature is raging and braising is aggravated. It is a good time for oxygenated fresh air conditioning to replace air conditioning with single heating and cooling function. In August, it is also a time for children to put down their pen and paper and sell their entertainment. It is necessary to buy eye-protection screens and game TVS that can bring extraordinary experiences. In August, the demand for refrigerated cold storage increased, and it was also the moment when the two-door refrigerator withdrew from the stage and the large-capacity multi-partition refrigerator showed its ability... This is exactly the moment when the demand for quality renewal of stock users breaks out. This is also the reason why many trend home appliances, including fresh air conditioners, are growing rapidly for JD's "815" anniversary.

Behind the third node of household appliance consumption Jingdong household appliance based on users' "push new" exploration

< P > can provide a platform for buying and selling products, but at the same time can meet the needs of users, guide the trend direction and help industrial upgrading of the platform is not many. After all, all-rounders are more desirable in a system that delves into muscle and detail. As the core channel platform to undertake both supply and marketing, Jingdong vigorously promotes the new strategy in combination with the pain points at both ends of supply and demand. Including Jingdong household appliances omni-channel strategy, digital intelligence supply chain, push new policies and measures, to provide brand parties with integrated supply chain solutions and logistics services, based on the "people and goods yard" accurate matching, to achieve new growth.

The person in charge of JD home appliances revealed that the core advantage of JD is the advantage of users. According to the survey of Jingdong, the recognition and trust of users on Jingdong is constantly improving, and the proportion of users who re-purchased home appliances on Jingdong is over 70%. Such high viscosity, on the one hand, means that home appliances provide rich categories, price discounts, and efficient logistics, professional and comprehensive services; On the other hand, this expectation also gives JD home appliances the responsibility to provide more good home appliances and lead users to refresh. Therefore, from the perspective of group influence, Jingdong household appliances should play a greater role in the national household appliances consumption season in August.

In addition to the users, the new household appliances running for the renewal of the family and quality upgrade should not only have relatively strict entry threshold but also have fertile soil suitable for growth.

It is reported that Jingdong household appliances on the one hand, strict selection of products, on the other hand, also reflected in the ability of Jingdong household appliances to "push new". Consumers who have the trend of "new home appliances" demand and manufacturers who are willing to promote and release the trend of "new home appliances" provide a selection and display platform. Finally, the trend of new household appliances such as fresh air conditioning, game TV, washing and drying set, embedded dishwasher, etc. all showed a substantial doubling of growth trend. At the same time, it has become a release platform for many quality new home appliances, staging the drama of exploding new products. The first sales of SONY Game TV exceeded 2000 units, the ultra-thin short-suction double-cavity range hood of Huadi exceeded 1400 units 30 minutes before the launch of JD household appliances, which proved this point.

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Jingdong 618 and Jingdong 11.11 have already broken through the shopping festival itself, but also undertake the important mission of boosting industry confidence, expanding consumer demand and maintaining the orderly increase of the industrial scale. The "815th anniversary celebration" of Jingdong Household appliances is also to meet the needs of both users and manufacturers, and is a more closely coordinated move of both ends of production and marketing. It focuses on the trade-in of old household appliances and fully releases the consumption potential of green smart household appliances, which has extraordinary significance for promoting the double upgrading of household appliances consumption and household appliances industry.

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Jd Home Appliances
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