From Express box to Life Treasure box, Sf Express "box" partner plan leads the new green fashion


2024-09-14 17:23

Sf Express Cold Transport and Wanwei Logistics strategically cooperate to open the first warehouse


2024-07-09 18:07

The demand for gifts on the Dragon Boat Festival has increased, and a professional third party in the same city of Sf Express has become a "dumpling" messenger


2024-06-06 11:58

Valentine's Day coincides with the Spring Festival holiday, and orders for flowers and cakes in the same city of Sf Express have risen sharply - press release


2024-02-22 17:04

Help the fastest 4 hours of hairy crabs across the city delivery, Sf Express in collaboration with the city to provide "special Express" service

/ The Morning News/Guangzhou, September 22, 2022 -- The autumn wind is blowing and crab feet itch. In the season of yellow crab fat, many diners can't help but have a taste of it. Among the many hairy crab varieties, Yangcheng Lake hairy crab is the most famous. It can be called the king of crabs and the most delicious crab in the world. It's not just textbook

2022-09-22 14:10

Strength competition! Sf Express city Knight in Guangdong Province online delivery personnel professional skills competition shine

Guangzhou, August 26, 2022 - On August 20, 2022, the online delivery clerk job in Guangdong Province will be jointly organized by Guangdong Federation of Trade Unions, Guangdong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and organized by Guangdong Federation of Private Enterprises, Guangzhou Federation of Trade Unions and Guangzhou Online Delivery Industry Union

2022-08-26 17:56 2728

Welcome the heat to send care, Sf Express city for the site responsible person to send "summer cool"

Guangzhou, August 26, 2022 -- A new round of hot weather has returned, and many places across the country continue to issue high temperature warnings. The continuous "baking mode" has driven the demand for delivery orders in summer to cool down the summer heat. The person in charge of SF Express city site always goes to the front line to lead the delivery site

2022-08-26 17:00 723

Many places frequently make efforts to boost night consumption, Sf Express city to help the prosperity of the city night economy

Guangzhou, August 24, 2022 -- Beijing, Xi 'an, Changsha and other cities have recently released policies to promote the night economy, and local "night economy" is making great efforts. For example, Beijing highlights "Beijing style", "fashion trend", "cultural core" and "science and technology core", and focuses on building 10 "night capital".

2022-08-25 14:17 192

Sf Express city together with a number of night food brands to help you summer excellent house

Guangzhou, August 19, 2022 -- Summer is the hottest season for night food business in Japan. However, due to the hot temperature this year, staying at home has become the common choice of many young people. However, many young people also say that they miss the night food life where they can enjoy themselves. Recently with SF Express

2022-08-19 18:52 303

4 hours repair return, vivo with Sf Express city in the new and old first-tier cities online "city fast repair"

Guangzhou, August 02, 2022 -- On July 31, vivo added 15 cities to its "Intra-city Quick Repair" service support area, bringing more value-added service experience to consumers and the industry with "faster and more convenient" after-sales service. So far, vivo and SF Express city hand in hand to create a cover

2022-08-02 18:46 174