Fujifilm has joined hands with the 12th People and Environment Photography Competition to advocate that images pay attention to the environment and ecology

2022-06-08 17:49 0

/ Asahi/June 8, 2022 GUANGZHOU -- On the day of World Environment Day on June 5, 2022, Jointly sponsored by Film and Television Communication and Ecological Education Committee of China Federation of Forestry and Literature, Shanghai Art Photography Association, Shanghai Citizen Culture Association, Art Popular Science Photography Committee of Shanghai Popular Science Writers Association and organizing Committee of Shanghai Citizen Environmental Protection Series popular Science Publicity Activities, and organized by Human and Environment image communication platform, the "12th Human and Environment Photography Competition" was officially launched. As a partner of the competition for many years, Fujifilm (China) Investment Co., Ltd. continues to support the promotion of the competition, and is committed to focusing on environmental improvement and biodiversity protection with images, and narrowing the distance between the public and natural resources and ecology.

Last year, the 11th People and Environment Photography Competition received more than 15,000 submissions from all over the country. Students from more than 40 universities and photography enthusiasts from 337 cities participated in the contest. The event came to a close in a grand fashion. This year's contest will be held from June 5 to October 10, and the selection will be held in mid-November. The organizing committee will organize a jury of famous photographers, humanists, environmental protection and biological experts to select more than 100 works for exhibition. The authors will receive a maximum prize of 1200 yuan or equivalent prizes according to the awards. We also have the opportunity to be interviewed by the media and join the "Ecological Photographer Resource Bank". Our works will be recommended to the media and corresponding competitions.

It is worth mentioning that, on the basis of continuing the three major themes of "Landscape · Natural beauty", "humanity · Humanistic documentary" and "Biology · Ecological Vientiane", this year's competition has added a new theme of "Water-life flow", advocating photographers to pay attention to the important value of water in human life and culture, and using photos to reflect the restriction and promotion of water on nature. "Water" is also the natural resource that Fujifilm Group pays the most attention to, because "Fujifilm", known to many photography lovers, requires a large amount of pure water and air in the manufacturing process. Therefore, since its establishment, Fujifilm has made great efforts to conserve water resources through effective use of water resources, purification of waste water discharged by the company's factories and other environmental measures. Strive to achieve sustainable development of enterprises and ecology.

In "Sustainable Value Plan 2030" (SVP2030), a corporate social responsibility and CSR plan developed by Fujifilm, the targets for the 2030 fiscal year are specified. The contents related to water resources management include "reducing the water consumption of the whole group by 30% compared to the 2013 fiscal year", "by providing products and services for water treatment, To help society treat 35 million tons of water a year. As A phased achievement, Fujifilm received the highest level of certification in the internationally influential Water management survey and was selected from around 12,000 companies to be included in the CDP Water A List for the second year in a row.

In addition to conserving water, Fujifilm has also been making continuous efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in recent years. By the end of 2021, the company has released new emission reduction targets and plans to achieve carbon neutrality within the group by FY2040. To reduce the life-cycle CO2 emissions of the company's products by 50% by FY2030 compared with FY2019. To this end, Fujifilm Group has developed a new environmental strategy, the "Green Value Climate Strategy", to further reduce the environmental impact of corporate production activities (green value production), promote the research and development of products and services with excellent environmental characteristics (green value products).

In China, as a corporate citizen, Fujifilm continues to contribute to the environmental cause through various corporate activities: Since 1998, Fujifilm Group has been carrying out the desert greening campaign in Inner Mongolia, planting more than 51,000 trees and greening 345 mu of sandy land. A large area of "Fujifilm China Forest" is growing tough in the wind and sand, playing the role of wind and sand prevention. A series of green products and solutions, such as data streaming tape, completely process-free CTP SUPERIA ZX and digital inkjet printer Jet Press 750S, will also help the green development of the industry.

Fujifilm will continue to work with partners to contribute to the sustainable development of Chinese society in the future.

  News Background:

Fujifilm Group: Composed of two major business companies, Fujifilm Corporation and Fujifilm Business Innovation Corporation, it has 280 affiliated subsidiaries worldwide and more than 75,000 employees, with a total sales volume of 25,25.8 billion yen and an operating profit of 229.7 billion yen in the fiscal year 2021. (as of March 2022)

Fujifilm (China) Investment Co., LTD. : The umbrella organization for the business of Fujifilm Co., LTD in China, established on April 12, 2001, headquartered in Shanghai, the business fields include digital cameras, imaging products, printing products, medical products, optoelectronic products, industrial materials, etc., with a registered capital of 213.4 million US dollars.

Source: Corporate press release
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