Unlock 'talent code' for rural revitalization

2022-07-25 18:42 0

/ Daily News/July 25, 2022 GUANGZHOU -- People are the key to all-round rural revitalization. Human resources are the most important and active factor. To truly revitalize rural areas, the key is to find ways to give full play to the role of human resources and ensure that they make full use of their talents.

Unlock the "custom" password, you have to really sink. "The horse can adventure, the field is not as strong as the ox." Rural revitalization involves industry, culture, ecology, governance and other aspects. In order to avoid falling into the stereotype of "template" and "heat", the selection of rural talents should not be done by "casting a wide net" or "rushing into a crowd". Instead, it is necessary to firmly grasp the overall situation and forward-looking consciousness, combine the most appropriate local industrial development direction, identify the key needs of rural talents, and target the sinking. Talent sinking, we need to be fully off the job, can not "work needs" in the name of "temporary", "transfer", "secondment", change tricks to let talent "not on the job". Only people in the body, eat in the village to live in the village, work with the masses, to the people home chat, to the field in-depth study, as a good "mud legs" cadres, is a good first step.

Unlock "soil phase suit" password, talent must have real ability. "Orange born in Huainan is orange, born in Huaibei is orange." In recent years, new policies for talents have been introduced across the country to stage a "recruitment war", and the competition for high-level, highly educated and highly skilled talents with projects and resources in key universities of 985 and 211 has become increasingly fierce. In fact, attracting talent is one thing, and using it is the key. The introduced high-level talents may go directly from school to the grassroots level, and due to differences in their growth environment and personal experience, they may find themselves unable to understand the local language or speak the people's language when they move to rural areas. Therefore, it must not be one way to sink high-level talents. Through the help of mentors, talents can be guided to get familiar with the situation as soon as possible, clarify their thoughts, find the right direction, and integrate into the countryside, so as to truly transform what they have learned into the driving force to promote the development of rural areas.

unlock the "sincere" password, talent with true feelings. "Small I Caozhou county officials, a leaf always close the situation." Rural revitalization is not only an uphill battle, but also a protracted one. Rural talents, if they do not love the countryside and are not sincere to farmers, simply regard their work as work and themselves as passers-by, may be reflected in the work shortsighted, planning is not deep, incomplete consideration and other problems, and the effect of promoting rural development will be greatly reduced. Rural talents, even if they do not hold official positions, even if they are just ordinary cadres, should have a "great mind of the country", have a deep understanding of the importance of rural work to economic and social development and overall social stability, sincerely care about the troubles and worries of the people, put themselves in the shoes of the people, take the people's affairs as their own, look at problems and work from the standpoint of the people, We will make every effort to promote rural development and provide solid intellectual support for the high-quality implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. (Yu Jia)

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Talent code
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