Lock listing season, Ali township to help Shenzhou peach out of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

2022-09-21 14:09 0

/ August 30, 2022 Guangzhou -- There was a peach that needed to be delivered, which was the Hebei Shenzhou peach. It is the peach that Sun Wukong couldn't help eating in Journey to the West. It is the peach held by Longevity Weng. Shenzhou, Hebei Province is "the hometown of peach in China", with a 2,600-year planting history and profound peach culture. Shenzhou Peach has been enjoying a high reputation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Every year in late August is the harvest season of Shenzhou peach. For ordinary consumers, how can we buy authentic Shenzhou peach?

Combined with the launch of peach in August, Shenzhou Municipal Government and Alibaba Digital Rural Division jointly planned the 2022 Shenzhou Peach harvest and picking series activities. For the first time, the special venue of online shopping was adopted, the brand tracing of Shenzhou peach was set up, and the promotion of grass planting, live delivery and venue marketing were jointly conducted. To brand, young, social content comprehensive publicity, to capture the mining of origin industry influence growth points and communication highlights. Offline anchor group origin tracing live digital marketing mode, so that more consumers can multi-channel understand Shenzhou peach culture, to buy the real Shenzhou peach. Integration of online and offline marketing and promotion, to achieve "cultural platform, economic performance", fully explore and publicize the Shenzhou peach industry, comprehensively improve the brand awareness and influence of "Shenzhou Peach" industry, help Shenzhou peach industry upgrading, and boost the high-quality digital development of Shenzhou Peach.

On August 25, the offline launch ceremony of "Shenzhou Peach Festival" was held in Mu Cun Township, the core production area of Shenzhou Peach. Mu Cun Township is a 3A scenic spot in Shenzhou. Covering an area of 15 square kilometers, Shenzhou Peach Sightseeing Park is also a modern agricultural park in Hebei Province, a special advantage area and a national demonstration village and a product. Shenzhou peach harvest picking season, foreign merchants in an endless stream, fresh peach hanging branches.

On the launch ceremony site, after awarding the Shenzhou Peach Tracing anchor group the title of "Shenzhou Peach Recommendation Officer", all the participants jointly launched the online "Shenzhou Peach Festival". Immediately filled with Shenzhou peach cold chain logistics car also set off, immediately bound for Hangzhou Hema stores.

There is no need to be greedy for consumers in Hangzhou, because the online "Shenzhou Peach Festival" thematic venue is also online at the same time, consumers in different cities in the country can search "Shenzhou Peach Festival" in mobile Taobao to enter the event venue to buy. You can also enter the broadcasting room of Super Origin, Key Lime Welfare Bureau and other traceable anchor groups to grab fresh food. With the help of Alibaba digital rural e-commerce, new retail, live delivery, new media marketing and other forms of business, Shenzhou Peach will be faster from the branches to the tip of the tongue.

In order to help the brand development of Shenzhou Peach online goods, Ali Digital Rural Business Division conducts a dialogue with new consumers through the standardization upgrade of online goods before the harvest and picking season of Shenzhou Peach. Through the in-depth research of the industry, the characteristics of the products were extracted, and the visual design of the packaging was redesigned. The characters were written in calligraphy, the patterns were borrowed from classical illustrations, and the design details everywhere showed the figure of the 2,000-year history of Shenzhou Peach. The overall packaging had a strong sense of cultural identity. Two new packaging design, commercial circulation solves the demand of Shenzhou peach general packaging, boutique gift box is not only simple and elegant appearance, the box is also intimate with tissue paper, peach divider, eating peach moment is full of ceremony, bring consumers elegant gift peach, eat peach new experience.

In addition, in view of the problem that Shenzhou Peach is plagued by imitation products in the peak season of listing every year, the people's government of Shenzhou City cooperated with Alibaba Digital Rural Division to build a code traceability system for Shenzhou peach industry, and realized that each box of peach is equipped with "identity ID" to ensure the authenticity of products and reduce the decision-making cost of consumers. When consumers place an order on Tmall, they will find that the Shenzhou peach from the place of origin bears the words "authentic" and is equipped with the "little blue heart" tracing label to support the query of origin information.

As the launch ceremony of online "Shenzhou Peach Festival" is over, Alibaba digital rural tracing anchor team is divided into two ways. The super origin and furious honey bean buns are the main tracing route of Shenzhou origin, which not only takes the audience to visit Shenzhou Peach Garden, but also shows the unique growing environment of Shenzhou peach. Also take the audience into the Shenzhou Peach modern science and technology demonstration zone to feel the charm of "digital agriculture".

The tracing route of Shenzhou culture, mainly featuring Big grain Ge food and Small Key Key Welfare Bureau, shows not only the bright red branches, but also the "Peach King Tournament" with local characteristics. The host explains the selection process and rules of Peach King in detail, and takes online users to witness the birth of the "Peach King Tournament" in Mucun Township in 2022. It also takes the audience to enter the Shenzhou Culture and Art Center and the Shenzhou Granary Museum, so that you can feel the culture of Shenzhou.

Taste the peach of Shenzhou, appreciate the culture of Shenzhou, trace the source of the anchor group that day to achieve 100W+ online viewers.

Shenzhou Peach harvest season in the past, mostly rely on peach farmers circle of friends propaganda, more familiar customers or gathered in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, in order to help the origin of the brand awareness, in the new media platform launched the topic # Hebei Shenzhou Peach in the champion harvest picking #. On Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Douyin, Diantao and other platforms, food drooling experts released unpacking evaluation, creative DIY and other content, and the topic heat of Weibo reached the TOP15 hot list in Hebei Province on that day.

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Alibaba digital rural business, as an important window for Alibaba Group to serve the digital transformation and upgrading of counties, integrates more than 20 agriculture-related business capabilities and external ecological forces within the group, and is providing comprehensive solutions for the construction of digital villages in counties. In response to the industrial development idea of the Shenzhen Municipal government on the construction of rural revitalization demonstration area, Alibaba Digital Rural Division will continue to integrate the advantages of Alibaba platform, help Shenzhou peach industry brand to enhance awareness and influence, assist the high-quality development of Shenzhou peach industry through digital capabilities, help farmers to achieve from increasing production to increasing income, and accelerate the rural revitalization of Shenzhou.

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Aligu township
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