Basaltic cloud brand upgrade conference | blockbuster launch intelligent CRM pioneer new positioning

2022-09-28 17:44 0

/ Daily News/September 28, 2022 Guangzhou -- On September 23, 2022, Xuanwu Cloud Technology Holdings Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as Xuanwu Cloud), a pioneer of smart CRM 02392.HK) held the brand upgrade press conference in Guangzhou, and many guests such as Xuanwu Cloud's management, strategic customers, ecological partners and industry media gathered together to witness this important moment. At the press conference, Xuanwu Cloud officially released the brand positioning of the new smart CRM, the blueprint of the product system and the brand strategic planning of the company. In the future, the company will help the digital transformation of enterprises and achieve business success through the smart CRM products and services.

At the same time, at the press conference site, Xuanwu Cloud also signed strategic cooperation agreements with leading enterprises in various fields such as Huawei Cloud, China Resources Digital Science, Shade Wine Industry on ecological multi-dimensional cooperation, digital technology, products and services, to jointly create a win-win situation.

Hyeon Moo Yun · The Smart CRM Pioneer

conference, the company announced that the brand name was officially upgraded from "Xuanwu Technology" to "Xuanwu Cloud", and proposed the brand positioning of the smart CRM pioneer. Chen Yonghui, chairman and CEO of Xuanwu Cloud, said, "The brand upgrade of smart CRM by Xuanwu Cloud is based on the inevitable stage of its own strategic development, while the smart CR M is a CRM that is driven by data intelligence and artificial intelligence and has the ability to make business decisions. With the development of industry and customer demand, the future market will be dominated by intelligent CRM with AI and DI intelligent driving business, so that CRM is not only a tool to help enterprises achieve cost reduction and efficiency, but also will be further upgraded into a smart center covering the whole life cycle of customers, realizing global business management collaboration, and assisting enterprises to realize business decisions."

It is reported that after the brand upgrade, the smart CRM system of Xuanwu Cloud mainly includes CRM SaaS and CRM PaaS consists of aPaaS(low code development platform), cPaaS(cloud communication platform), AI(artificial intelligence), DI(data intelligence) platform as the technical base, marketing cloud, sales cloud, customer service cloud as the core SaaS product application, providing full-touch, all-channel, all-service, all-service and all-service for customers in high-growth industries such as fast moving consumer goods, finance, government and enterprise, and Internet. Smart CRM products and services for full life cycle management.

Centering on the theme of this conference, that is, the leadership of Xuanwuyun's new brand positioning as "the pioneer of intelligent CRM", Chen Yonghui focused on the following two aspects :

First, deep cultivation of the industry. Every industry has its own Know how. Xuanwuyun has always focused on industry deep cultivation. By 2021, Xuanwuyun ranks the top three in the market share of finance, TMT and government and enterprise industries, and the market share of top 100 enterprises in multiple subdivisions of fast moving consumer goods exceeds 20%. The service experience of leading benchmarking enterprises has enriched Xuanwu Cloud's deep cognition and business understanding of vertical industries, which can truly realize customer-centered business empowerment, establish reliable business data model, and provide support for technology implementation. It is one of the leading advantages built by Xuanwu Cloud under the deep cultivation of the industry, which is to dig the industry segmentation demand vertically, explore the boundary horizontally, dig the commonness and extend, and then form a replicable and extensible business model.

Second, technology-based. Extensive and profound industry accumulation undoubtedly enhances the practicability of technology, which in turn brings strong underlying support to the business. In terms of technological innovation, Xuanwu Cloud has always followed the development of leading technologies such as "Cloud Big Material moving Intelligence", and advanced layout in related technology fields. Now it has realized the full-stack self-development of core 3+1 platform. At present, Xuanwuyun's R&D personnel account for 36.2%. It is the first company to launch aPaaS platform and establish AI laboratory in the industry. It is still the only company with full-stack self-developed AI technology among CRM manufacturers. At present, the company has obtained more than 200 patents and software Copyrights related to artificial intelligence, data intelligence and other intelligent CRM services. It continues to lead the way, create technical barriers, and bring strong technical support to customers' business.

According to the third-party research data, intelligent CRM will have a blue ocean of 100 billion in the future. The data presented by Frost & Sullivan report shows that the TAM of the intelligent CRM service market increased from RMB 25.1 billion in 2017 to RMB 71.8 billion in 2021, with a compound annual growth rate of 30.1%. TAM of the future Smart CRM services market is expected to grow to 280 billion yuan by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate of 31.3% during the period.

At the press conference, Chen Yonghui also revealed that Xuanwuyun successfully listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange in July this year and became a smart CRM industry stock. With the upgrading of brand strategy, the company's future development focus will be on technology, business, sales and other aspects, consolidating the existing growth engine and building new growth drivers.

From the technical level, continue to strengthen the R&D investment in 5G, AI, DI, AIOT and other aspects, introduce relevant professional talents, and continue to improve the advantages of technological innovation; In terms of business, large consumption industry is an important engine driving growth. Xuanwuyun will focus on developing "fast moving consumer goods Cloud" as the second growth curve, opening up the whole link of fast moving consumer goods industry, enabling enterprises to release new development potential. At the same time, we will seek strategic investment and acquisition, enrich solutions, strengthen our own technology and service capabilities, generate synergies with our own business, provide customers with smart CRM products and services, and promote industry innovation and development.

Lu Chao, general manager of Xuanwu Cloud Platform Innovation Center, also introduced the technology base behind the company's smart CRM product system at this conference.

"The core competitiveness of Xuanwu Cloud wisdom CRM is 3+1 platform, namely aPaaS(low code development platform), cPaaS(cloud communication platform), AI(artificial intelligence), DI(data intelligence) platform." Lu Chao said, "XuanMuyun has been adhering to the value of R & D line: we do the hard but the right thing, be long-term. As a result, we ended up being the only company in the industry with a full-stack, self-developed 3+1 platform."

For the advantages of 3+1 platform, Lu Chao said that based on the capabilities of the above four platforms, Xuanwuyun has created its own technology center, so as to realize the unified ability of data, communication, AI, DI and other capabilities to all product lines, at the same time, the above technology center can also maximize to help customers connect to a variety of external systems Business, so as to truly realize the intelligent unified management ability required by customers.

"In the next three years, the construction of Xuanwu Cloud 3+1 platform will be carried out closely around the intelligent CRM of brand upgrading. In aPaaS platform, intelligent construction will be realized to further improve the personalized delivery ability; In cPaaS platform, data-driven intelligent connection will be realized. In the AI platform, in addition to the continuous innovation of AI image recognition technology, it will also expand to AR, VR, AIOT and other fields to do more intelligent perception. "On the DI platform, we will further deepen our understanding of the service industry, improve intelligent decision-making, and ultimately realize the innovation and perfection of intelligent technology, the base of Xuanmoyun's core technology."

On the site of the brand upgrade conference, Xuanwuyun also signed strategic cooperation agreements with Huawei Cloud, China Resources Digital Science and Shidai Wine Industry.

Among them, for the strong alliance between Huawei Cloud and Xuanwu Cloud, Xu Weixing, general manager of Huawei Cloud Guangdong, said that in order to realize the purpose of complementary advantages, mutual benefit and common development of Huawei cloud and Xuanwu cloud, the two sides signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement, including the original upgrade of business cloud, business intelligence, cloud message service, digital talent training, product pooling and joint commercial expansion Exhibition, machine vision and other aspects of comprehensive cooperation, to achieve win-win results.

The cooperation between Xuanwu Cloud and China Resources Digital Technology focuses on creating win-win results in the field of intelligent CRM. The person in charge of China Resources Data Department said that digital technology, as a very important sector for the future growth of China Resources Group, is based on serving the national strategy and helping the transformation and upgrading of the entire digital economy. Xuanwuyun has been focusing on omni-channel marketing management in large consumption industry for more than ten years, and has accumulated profound benchmarking experience in the industry. Meanwhile, it also has industry-leading technology innovations such as AI, DI and AIOT. This cooperation with Xuanwu Cloud, on the one hand, will comprehensively empower the fast-moving consumer goods business of China Resources Group with a revenue of nearly 400 billion yuan through the smart CRM products and services of Xuanwu Cloud. On the other hand, we hope to work together to serve more industry customers.

In addition, in the cooperation with Shedi Wine industry, Xuanwuyun will rely on Xuanwuyun wisdom large consumption industry solutions, help Shedi Wine industry to further improve and improve the digital construction of marketing, to add new impetus for its performance growth.

At the end of the press conference, the management of Xuanwuyun and the representatives of partners drank together and held the brand renewal ceremony of Xuanwuyun, and the brand system of smart CRM of Xuanwuyun was officially released.

Chen Yonghui said: "The brand upgrade makes the development goal of Xuanwuyun more clear, whether it is business or technology advantages, we should continue to insist on doing more innovation, hope that in the future we can maintain such a pioneering advantage, but also hope that we can become the leader of intelligent CRM as soon as possible, can cooperate with our partners and investors to achieve mutual achievements. Win-win cooperation, together with more of our customers, join hands to create more intelligent CRM innovation scenarios, truly realize customer-centric, help enterprises digital transformation, achieve business success."

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Xuanmoyun
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