Hisense Fitness smart screen X7H with Horizon Rising Sun 3 is on sale, creating a new category of mobile fitness smart screen

2022-12-06 14:04 0

/ Daily News/December 06, 2022 Guangzhou -- Hisense, which has accumulated 52 years of picture quality in the TV field, has made another big move. Hisense's newly developed fitness smart screen X7H is officially on sale. As an innovative product integrating mobile fitness and multifunctional entertainment, Hisense X7H is equipped with Horizon Rising Sun ®3 chip and precise visual perception algorithm to achieve efficient and silky interactive fitness experience on the screen. This is also the first product of cooperation between Horizon and Hisense. Through the integration of scientific and technological innovation, the two sides have gained insight into consumers' home needs and jointly created a new category of mobile fitness smart screen. It is understood that Hisense fitness smart screen X7H is also Hisense video display strategy of another new blockbuster.

In recent years, TV manufacturers have launched home smart screens, but due to the limited use of space, lack of chip computing power and poor visual perception algorithm accuracy and other multiple factors, it is difficult to upgrade the user experience. Aiming at these market pain points, Hisense Fitness smart screen X7H focuses on home intelligent sports and fitness scenes. It is not only mobile, adjustable, touchable and voice-capable, but also introduces intelligent training function. Through the built-in Horizon Rising Sun 3 chip and perception algorithm, it can capture fitness movements at high speed and accurately, respond to fitness problems in real time, and improve fitness effect.

Using the leading BPU® Bernoulli architecture 2.0, Horizon Asahi 3 chip has industry-leading intelligent computing capabilities, which can efficiently handle intelligent scene computing, meet the needs of 4K video processing, semantic three-dimensional environment modeling, and general model support. At the same time, Rising Sun 3 provides rich interfaces, encoding and decoding capabilities and excellent ISP effects, as well as supporting perceptual reference algorithm and mature tool chain development platform, to help Hisense X7H efficiently realize customized function development.

After the computer and the smartphone changed the world, the next generation of computing platforms will be for ubiquitous robots. As the main scene of human life, smart home will become one of the key application markets in the future robot era, and will also form a common underlying computing platform and rich application ecology.

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Hisense Video and Horizon have a highly compatible development mission. Hisense Video is a famous household appliance enterprise in China. It is committed to bringing happiness to hundreds of millions of families with scientific and technological innovation. Its business covers multiple display scenes such as home, business and vehicle, and it is a comprehensive display solution provider. Horizon is an industry leading provider of efficient and intelligent driving computing solutions, committed to empowering machines to make human life safer and better. In the intelligent automobile field, which is regarded as the first foothold of robots, Horizon Journey series chips have realized the first and largest mass production in China. The accumulated profound development and mass production experience will enable general intelligence field. At present, Horizon Rising Sun series chips have also achieved large-scale landing mass production in intelligent robot, intelligent large screen, smart home and other fields. This time, the cooperation between Horizon and Hisense Video will push smart screen into a new stage of development. In the future, the two sides will work together to create more smart products, build smart home ecology, and make life happier and better.

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Hisense
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