Originally Life and Minsheng Bank selected as "2021 Outstanding Cases of National Rural Revitalization"

2022-07-27 09:23 0

/ Aswen Tong/July 26, 2022 GUANGZHOU -- When industry prospers, countryside prospers. A few days ago, the typical consumption assistance model jointly created by Originally Life and China Minsheng Bank "combination of points and aspects, exploring the marketization road of sustainable agricultural development at county level" was selected into the "Third China Rural Revitalization and Development Conference", "2021 National Rural Revitalization Outstanding Cases" and "National Top 30".

The selected cases are a summary of the work experience of Natural Life and China Minsheng Bank (hereinafter referred to as "Minsheng Bank") in the designated support counties of China Minsheng Bank (Fengqiu County, Hua County, Henan Province) in optimizing the connection of production and marketing of agricultural products, innovating industrial support, and promoting the upgrading of agricultural industry.

Strengthen the main industries and create Fengqiu honeysuckle tea "1+N" innovative industry support mode

In recent years, Ben participated in the research work led by China Minsheng Bank for many times, and made in-depth investigation in Fengqiu County and Hua County of Henan Province, which were designated to help them, to understand the development direction of local characteristic industries. Help local farmers to market their produce.

After multiple discussion and demonstration, originally for the life of Fengqiu County's pillar honeysuckle industry, clear to market, food into the main development direction of the idea, combined with their own agricultural products quality, brand advantages to help create Fengqiu honeysuckle consumer brand "tea view Materia medica", And put forward the "1+N" to drive more supporting areas and cooperate with more supporting resources innovation mode.

"1" is based on Fengqiu Honeysuckle, and "N" is to select other flower tea raw materials from all over the country, especially from 832 poverty-stricken counties, and strive to form a synergistic potential energy of flower tea industry with products as the link, effective link of origin and both ends of the market.

In the process of product development and brand shaping of "Tea View Materia Medica", Minsheng Bank actively mobilized resource advantages in the field of cultural public welfare, dug deep into the resource endowment and cultural connotation of Fengqiu County, and deeply participated in the work of product naming, packaging design and peripheral design with the goal of creating a financial enterprise consumption assistance product with culture, connotation and grade.

The original life gives full play to its own advantages, actively mobilize the supply chain resources to promote the industrial support, achieve product quality standardization, and provide support in the quality control process, logistics, warehousing and other links. In addition, the original life according to the market demand to develop and constantly optimize the "tea concept Materia Medica" product content and form, so that it is more in line with the current consumption trend, with market competitiveness.

With the launch of the "Tea view Materia Medica" product, Minsheng Bank actively carried out the promotion of exhibition platform, media publicity, live delivery and other channels to promote product sales; To further help expand the market of agricultural products in poverty-stricken areas and enhance their brand influence, we will extensively mobilize management institutions in the industry to purchase products in bulk in the form of "purchase on behalf of donation". With rich experience in agricultural product brand marketing, Originally Life introduces market resources, vigorously promotes "tea view Materia medica" products, and provides continuous and systematic operation and promotion support after the products land on the full platform such as originally life network.

Up to now, "Tea view Materica" products have developed gift box series, composite tea bag series, cup tea series and other multi-form, multi-scene product layout, and achieved a good market performance and brand reputation. Bearing in mind the importance of helping the poor through consumption, China Minsheng Bank selected high-quality honeysuckle production enterprises, cooperatives and family farms under the strong support of the Fengqiu County government to ensure that the project effectively promoted the development of local industries and increased the income of local poverty-stricken households.

: Comprehensively accelerate the connection of agricultural products in poverty alleviation areas to the consumer market and continuously improve market competitiveness

Relying on the consumer assistance system of China Minsheng Bank and professional accumulation at both ends of the supply chain and market channels, the two sides jointly promote the agricultural products of Henan Fengqiu County and Hua County to a larger consumer market.

By the end of 2021, the professional commodity development and quality control management team has fully connected with agricultural products enterprises in the two counties, assisted related enterprises to rectify and upgrade their products, and completed compliance and quality control for over 60 types of agricultural products in the two counties. Finally, about 40 high-quality featured agricultural products were selected and optimized to be launched on market platforms such as Qianlife.com. Products cover grain and oil non-staple food, cooked pasta, meat, poultry and eggs, leisure food, tea, vegetables and other rich categories.

In the process of quality control of agricultural products in the two counties, in view of the non-compliance of packaging of some products and the limited rectification ability of the manufacturers, the life integrated its own supply chain enterprises to provide design and production, packaging upgrade and other special supporting services for the series of products of the two brands of "Eating Kede" in Hua County and "Shaoyang" in Fengqiu County.

In terms of connecting market channels, we have achieved more than 4 million online exposure of products and more than 50,000 offline user contacts through online special areas, resource spots, live broadcasts, trade fairs, tasting meetings and other promotion forms, helping agricultural products in Fengqiu County and Hua County to achieve sales of about 5 million yuan.

In the process of helping the industrial development of Fengqiu County and Hua County, China Life and Minsheng Bank to create a "blood transfusion" sustainable support mode: on the one hand, improve product standards, matching warehousing, distribution, after-sales and other ability modules, comprehensively improve product quality and industrial supporting capacity; On the other hand, we should improve the market channel system, increase the effective promotion of county agricultural products in the market end, and reach market users in an all-round way.

Through in-depth cooperation with more than 10 local leading enterprises and professional cooperatives, Lifenet and Minsheng Bank have driven nearly 2000 local farmers, farmers and poverty alleviation households to increase their income by purchasing raw materials, commissioning planting/processing, supply and marketing cooperation, employment assistance and other ways.

< P > Through the breakthrough of key industries in helping areas, the original "point combination" mode of Life and Minsheng Bank has achieved remarkable results in a short period, with strong demonstration effect and promotion value. It not only effectively improves the use efficiency of help resources, but also greatly stimulates the enthusiasm of local enterprises and farmers. It has laid a good industrial and social foundation for rural revitalization.

Source: Corporate press release
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